martedì, aprile 18, 2017

Aoun Juma diplomato alla Sandhurst

Il figlio della principessa Aisha si diploma alla Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

17 Apr 2017

La principessa Aisha bint Hussein, sorella minore del re Abdullah II di Giordania, ha visto suo figlio, Aoun Juma, diplomarsi alla Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

Alla cerimonia del diploma di Aoun Juma era presente anche sua nonna, la principessa Muna, madre dell'attuale sovrano giordano.

Il cugino di Aoun, il principe ereditario Hussein bin Abdullah, figlio del Re di Giordania, sta attualmente conducendo addestramento militare a Sandhurst e si prevede di diplomarsi entro la fine dell'anno.

I reali giordani hanno una lunga storia con Sandhurst: il re attuale e due re precedenti si sono diplomato presso questa prestigiosa Accademia Reale

مبروكً لأختي الأميرة عائشة لتخريج ابنها عون زيد جمعة، من أكاديمية ساندهيرست العسكرية الملكية, ليكون أول حفيد لوالدنا جلالة الملك الراحل الحسين يتخرج من ذات الأكاديمية المعروفه عالميا. ومن الطبيعي ان تفرح جدته سمو الأميرة منى الحسين بهذا الإنجاز وتحضر تخريجه. ومن الأردن تخرج أيضا الشاب المتميز رعد هندي محمد الطلاس. من أكاديمية ساندهيرست. تهانينا الحارة لعون ورعد. نفتخر جميعا بكما وبهذا الإنجاز الرائع للأردن ! My sister Major General HRH Princess Aisha was a proud mother standing next to her son, Aoun Zeid Juma, who just graduated from Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Aoun is the first grandson of HM King Hussein to graduate from Sandhurst, and the smile in His grandmother HRH Princess Muna Al Hussein's face said it all! Also to graduate from Jordan was Raad Hendi Muhammad Al Tallas, by all accounts also a really fantastic young man. Many congratulations Aoun and Raad you have made us all very proud! Incredible achievement!
Un post condiviso da Haya Bint Al Hussein (@hrhprincesshaya) in data: