venerdì, agosto 27, 2010

Principi delle Asturie al funerale delle guardie civili

Il principe Felipe e la principessa Letizia hanno reso omaggio alle due guardie civili spagnole uccise in Afghanistan da un attacco terroristico.
26 agosto 2010

Spain's Prince Felipe places a medal on the flag-draped coffins of two Spanish Civil Guards who were killed in Afghanistan during a funeral ceremony at their barracks in Logrono, northern Spain, August 26, 2010. The two Spanish Civil Guards and their interpreter were killed during a police training exercise at the Spanish-run base in Qalay-e Naw, the provincial capital of northwestern Badghis province on Wednesday, when an Afghan policeman they were training turned on them before he was shot dead, officials said. The incident appeared to be the latest in a string of recent attacks by rogue police and soldiers, underlining the pressure as NATO-led troops try to train Afghan forces rapidly to allow the handover of security responsibility to begin from mid-2011. REUTERS/Ricardo Ordonez  (SPAIN - Tags: MILITARY CONFLICT OBITUARY ROYALS)

I principi delle Asturie, visibilmente commosse, hanno presieduto il funerale del capitano José Maria Cordova e della guardiamarina Bravo Leoncio e hanno dato il loro cordoglio alle famiglie dei deceduti.

Il Principe ha assegnato alle due guardie civili assassinate la più alta onorificenza militare. (la croce d'oro e la medaglia al Merito Militare)

Logroño despide en un emotivo acto a los dos guardias civiles fallecidos