domenica, agosto 31, 2008

La Monarchia in Russia

A Yekaterinburg, dove 90 anni fa nella notte del 16-17 luglio, lo Tsar Nicola II la moglie e i loro cinque figli furono uccisi, la principale discendente dello tsar Nicholas II ha detto che "i russi non dovrebbe escludere i benefici di ritorno ad un regime monarchico".

La Granduchessa Maria Vladimirovna ha inoltre detto che "Per quanto riguarda monarchia, è il popolo russo che dovrà decidere se questa opzione è adatta a loro".

YEKATERINBURG, Russia - Russians should not rule out the benefits of returning to a monarchical system, a leading descendant of tsar Nicholas II said on Thursday while marking her ancestor's killing 90 years ago.

"Concerning monarchy, it's for the Russian people to decide themselves if this option suits them," said Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, who on the basis of her ancestral line claims to be Nicholas's heir.

"It gives a nation something eternal they can rely on.... Forgive me, as head of the imperial house I couldn't think otherwise, but it's our people who should choose for themselves," she told reporters.

The duchess was attending commemorations in Yekaterinburg, where Nicholas, his wife and their five children were killed on the night of July 16-17, 1918, sealing the fall of an ancient dynasty and its replacement by the Soviet Union.

Currently resident in Madrid, she said she would like to return to live in Russia but such a decision would have to be supported from within the country.

"It's important that there be the right circumstances, some kind of status.

"The imperial house has to know that the government and all the Russian people really want us to live here and could provide us with some help," said Maria Vladimirovna, who wore a necklace bearing a symbol of the imperial house.

The duchess has been waging a long court battle to get the murdered Romanovs officially "rehabilitated," without which, she believes, they formally retain the Soviet slur of "enemies of the people."

She said that in addition to Nicholas and his immediate family, 17 other Romanovs were murdered by the Bolsheviks, of whom four had been granted official rehabilitation.

The duchess has also campaigned for the names of some geographical features she finds inappropriate to be changed, including a Moscow metro station named after Pyotr Voikov, who helped arrange the last tsar's killing.

The province where Yekaterinburg is located is still named Sverdlovsk after a Bolshevik leader who issued orders for the killing.


mercoledì, agosto 20, 2008

Georgia, Russia, monarchia

finite le ferie, il monarchico si fa nuovamente vivo...

Una delle notizie di attualità più importanti sono quelle legate alla Russia e Georgia, ed ho trovato un interessante articolo scritto da un blogger del quotidiano inglese Telegraph.

Gerald Warner sostiene che la Georgia potrebbe ritrovare smalto, forza ed identità restaurando la monarchia riportando al trono la dinastia Bagration .

Ecco alcuni punti essenziali del blog tradotto in italiano:
la dinastia Bagration è stata forzatamente rimossa dal trono georgiano dalla Russia nel 1801. Il Popolo georgiano non ha mai acconsentito la soppressione della loro monarchia e sovranità nazionale.

Crollata l'Unione Sovietica, la Georgia ha dichiarato la propria indipendenza ed una delle prime proposte è stata la restaurazione della monarchia.

I presidenti autoritari - Gamsakhurdia, Shevardnadze e Saakashvili - hanno provocato una reazione contro il potere della Presidenza. Ultimamente i partiti di opposizione hanno adottato lo slogan "la Georgia senza un presidente".

il capo della Chiesa Ortodossa Georgiana, il Patriarca Illia II, il 7 ottobre scorso anno, ha detto pubblicamente che "la restaurazione della monarchia è un auspicabile sogno del popolo georgiano".
Leggi anche
Georgia per una monarchia costituzionale

In un momento di sconfitta e sofferenza il popolo si sta rivolgendo verso la chiesa, che è per la monarchia mentre rifiuta il presidente Saakashvili

Io sono d'accordo con l'articolo di Gerald Warner, non solo perchè monarchico, ma perchè la monarchia è la istituzione che meglio difende l'identità dei popoli in un momento storico dove la globalizzazione e lo strapotere dei banchieri e Multinazionali stanno trasformando gli uomini in lavoratori e consumatori.

voi cosa e pensate?

Demoralised Georgia may renew itself by restoring its monarchy
Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 07:25 AM GMT [General]

As war-torn Georgia struggles to assert its sovereignty and redefine its identity, there is now a growing possibility that the country may have recourse to an option that has been simmering on the political agenda for the past 18 years by restoring its ancient monarchy and recalling the head of the Bagration dynasty to the throne.

Would Georgian identity benefit from a restoration of the monarchy?

Even before the Russian invasion this proposal was being canvassed within the past year. The Bagration dynasty is more than a thousand years old and was forcibly removed from the Georgian throne by Russia in 1801. The Georgian people never consented to the abolition of either their monarchy or their national sovereignty.

When the Soviet Union collapsed and Georgia declared independence, one of the earliest proposals for a constitutional settlement was the restoration of the monarchy. In 1991 the Georgian government and parliament officially recognised Prince George Bagration-Moukhranski, formerly well known as a racing driver, as head of the royal house. The fact that they took the trouble to do so demonstrates that the monarchy was a substantive political issue.

During the civil war and general turbulence that ensued, the monarchic question was sidelined, though it never completely disappeared. Opinion polls showed wildly fluctuating public opinion on a restoration, varying from 2 per cent support to 45 per cent (with only 29 per cent opposed). A succession of authoritarian presidents - Gamsakhurdia, Shevardnadze and Saakashvili - provoked a backlash against the power of the presidency. Lately the opposition parties have adopted the slogan "Georgia without a President."

Democrats have been talking about monarchy on the British model and citing the example of King Juan Carlos in Spain to prove the practicability of a restoration. What brought things back to the boil, however, was a sermon preached by the head of the Georgian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch Illia II, on October 7 last year, in which he publicly called for the restoration of the monarchy as the "desirable dream of the Georgian people". That led to the question being debated in parliament.

Now the situation has been radically transformed. Mikheil Saakashvili is badly discredited. The nation may, for the moment, be rallying around him as a symbol of national identity, but that effect will not last long. His was the only political party in Georgia unambiguously opposed to a restoration, but it has little credibility now. In a time of defeat and suffering people are turning to the church, which is royalist.

Georgia has no military options against Russia, its economy has been devastated, it lacks diplomatic leverage. Yet there is one politico-cultural gesture it could make to renew itself, to reassert its national identity, to unite around a non-partisan symbol, and that is to restore its monarchy. The fact that it was originally abolished by Russia would give added meaning to this act of constitutional renewal.

The acknowledged head of the royal house, the de jure King George XIV, died earlier this year; but his 32-year-old son Prince Davit could be called to the throne of his ancestors as David XIII. This could be the holistic reinvention of itself this unfortunate nation needs.