venerdì, ottobre 19, 2007

Gli spagnoli preferiscono la monarchia

Un sondaggio dimostra che gli spagnoli sono soddisfatti del sistema monarchico.
Dai risultati risulta che :

65.1% vogliono mantenere la monarchia

22.6% preferiscono la repubblica

9.1% non sono sicuri

3.2% non rispondono

W il Re!

Angus Reid Global Monitor : Polls & Research
Spaniards Clearly Support the Monarchy

Adults in Spain are satisfied with their country’s political system, according to a poll by Instituto Opina released by Cadena Ser. 65.1 per cent of respondents support retaining the monarchy, while 22.6 per cent would prefer to establish a republic.

In November 1975, Juan Carlos I officially became Spain’s monarch following the death of dictator Francisco Franco. Juan Carlos oversaw the European nation’s transition into democratic rule.

In late September and early October, photographs of King Juan Carlos I were burned at least three times by groups of protesters in Catalonia, and the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) party called for the monarch to be stripped of his role as commander in chief of Spain’s armed forces.

The ERC has long called for the abolition of the monarchy, claiming it is unnecessary in Spain at this day and age. An ERC spokesman described the actions of the protesters as "the opening of a debate on the Spanish political system that was handed down by the fascist dictatorship."

Yesterday, secretary-general of the Ibero-American Cooperation Secretariat Enrique Iglesias endorsed the King as an eventual "facilitator" of Cuba’s transition into democratic rule, adding, "If at any time a petition was made about a possible intervention in Cuba, I think he could play a role, but it has to be something that Cubans ask by themselves."

Polling Data

Do you support retaining the monarchy, or do you think Spain should become a republic?

Retaining the monarchy

Spain should become a republic

Not sure

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angus reid